Mina tre första tankar idag:
1. Wohoo, jag är ovanligt pigg. (varför?)
2. Ooh... jag måste spela "Happy Birthday" (Stevie Wonders version) på repeat och sjunga med. (högt)
3. Nämen, idag är ju en klockren kepsdag också! (den svarta kepsen)
Jag har äntligen hittat en favoritkonstnär också. Man ska väl ha en, eller???
Ska nog ladda hem lite bilder och göra lite tavlor någon dag... vilken jävla dag som helst.
Lite info:
Tamara de Lempicka is perhaps the most famous painter of the art deco period. She was born in Poland and moved to Russia where she lived until the Bolsheviks arrested her husband during the Russian revolution. She secured his release and they fled to Paris. there she learned to paint, enrolling at the Academie de la Grand Chaumiere and studying privately. She was quite a prolific artist (in part facilitated by her spare simple style) and was much sought after as a portrait artist.
Tuff, duktig, perfekt. Hon är min!
Help for Australia
5 years ago