Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Benrik diaries - Muslimism and other hedon-thingy-things

I can be practical when I really, really want to.

So I've decided to be practical about trying out the major religions. Hence I'm Muslim today and Pagan on Friday.... just 'cause we celebrate midsummer here - a hedon slash Swedish tradition. We'll eat raw fish, dance around a huge (a Phallos) pole which is decorated with flowers and grass (a mighty symbol of fertilization).
Did I mention that we pretend to be pigs when we do the dance? Funky!

I also plan to get intoxicated and fall asleep somewhere in the woods - at one with nature... (Yes, I'm leaving the city).


"If you've never seen an elephant ski, you've never been on acid."

Oh well...
Mecka is south-east and I did morning prayers, and lunch and lunch again…

Hereby I'm also declaring a holy war against Israel and would like to use this time and space to state the following (aimed to the officials of Israel):

According to this holy calendar I follow I am spending today being a muslim. (Benrik - this calendar will change your life) And I've decided to start a holy war against you... my demands is that you end the occupation of Palestine and the oppression of the Palestine people.
Since I haven't got as gun or anything... I'm fighting this war by means of prayer to the great Allah. I pray for him to kill me during this struggle, to prove that I am a really great warrior. (I'm really doing some hard-core-praying). By dying during prayer for a free Palestine it will grant me a place close to him in the afterlife.
Consider yourselves warned! Surrender and I’ll stop! - Until tomorrow when I'm off to explore Judaism.

Allah achba!

p.s. If you have any suggestions for things to do tomorrow please let me know.

Benrik diaries - Monday, Monday.

I overslept. I feel so tired.
3 cups of coffee, going on my 4th. Will it help?
There's this mad thunder and rain outside, as well as many cars.

So, dear readers, as you might have heard there was a Swedish Benrik-meet this past Saturday.

We found:
- M1ndy, Rozebud and Lokomotiv
- Dog-poop
- A sceaming woman who tried to cheat me out of money (I've meet her before - even called the police on her, so I knew better).
- Muffins

Isn't it strange that benrikans are regular people? One would think that weirdos would be attracted to this kind of stuff. But from what I've learned that's not the case.

The meet was a success.
Therefor we're trying to organize some group-tasking for this week.

Chill out, be aware and stay put!