Yesterday I bought a mp3 player.
First person I tell this to says: But they're no good, I promise you... it'll break within a year.
That wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear.
Anyway, up until now (for the last 5 years) I've been very happy with my MD. We've been trough allot so now that I have to abandon him (yes it's a "he") I actually feel a bit empty and sad inside.
It's the end of an era I tell you.
But I’ll always cherish the memory of how he used to bright up my dullest moments with music - when walking down the street - when standing around waiting.
"I am the walrus" always fit these pictures perfect.
So I'm gonna name the new little fellow "Eggman".
He reminds me of an egg.
I've managed to squeeze in 4 of the codewords into a text-conversation I had:
Twin Towers, Terrorism, CIA and Guantanamo.
Other: Got a e-mail from one of my friends in Prague. Felt up-cheered, but at the same time down-cheered since it made me want to go there badly which is impossible right now.
Help for Australia
5 years ago