Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Benrik diaries - Menu

So, i’ve put up 2 signs at the office trying to offer minor sexual services.
One in the cafeteria and one downstairs.

Sign says:

I’m trying to sell minor sexual services and offer the following:

Seductive look 5 kr
Kiss on the cheek 10 kr
Holding hand and strollin' my floor of the department 20 kr (30 kr for entire BV-tour*)
Long hug 30 kr


No, prices can’t be argued, this is Sweden!
Prices and services are only valid for week 3.
You pay in advance and cash only. (No, sexual services offered back doesn’t work).
You can’t have second thoughts - once you made your buy you can’t switch in a kiss on the cheek against 2 seductive looks.
And no, throwing seductive looks back doesn’t mean that you can get your money back.

* BV = place I work.
And I took the liberty of changing a few of the tasks, all in the name of know-how.

Now I’m just gonna sit around and wait for customers.

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