Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Killing in the name of...

"If you wonder what people really believe in, ask them what they are willing to kill for."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sitter och äter banan och väntar.
När man äter banan eller glass (på pinne) ska man aldrig, aldrig någonsin titta någon i ögonen. Så mycket har jag i alla fall lärt mig.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 veckor, 5 kilo och 2 månader

Jag fick inte betalt för min semester. 2 veckor utan lön. Och tandvärk och tandläkarräkningar upp över öronen. Jag måste ju dit fastän jag inte har råd - ibland värker det ända till bakhuvudet. Så jag drar in på allt. Mat. Nu har jag gått ner 5 kilo på 2 månader. Äter man inte ordentligt funkar inte hjärnan som den ska. Det märks. Idag orkar jag faktiskt knappt leva. Särskilt inte när man går in på facebook och ser alla andras lyckliga liv. Det får mig att funderar på det naturliga urvalet och jag tänker att jag kanske är en sådan som borde sållas bort, som sakta sållas bort.

Men det är ändå ingen fara. Jag har en tillfällig svacka. Det är så man får tänka.
Oliver skrev en gång i ett sms att jag var den tappraste person han kände. Jag vill tro att det ligger en hel del sanning i det. Dessutom är imorgon en annan dag.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Gustaf Fröding

On the radio, a swedish rock band has decided to interpret the swedish poet Gustaf Fröding. He was great.

A love song

I purchased my love for money,
there was nothing else I could get,
sing angelic, you rasping strings,
sing angelic of lovers yet.

That dream, that never came true,
that dream was angelic to get,
for him, who is banished from Eden,
is Eden an Eden yet.

Original by G. Fröding, published in the collection Gralstänk, 1898.
English translation by P.O. Kristensson, 2011.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quincy Jones and Lemons

What was I to do? Everyone left for vacation...
...And left me here.
That's not the complete truth, but few things are.

I feel sad.
Gosh we need nice music. Like this!

Picture by Terry Border

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Ronettes and lips

You know how it is... you meet someone and like them, but not especially much, nor especially little. 
And then one fine day (pon inteneded, but explained later), after lots of other fine days, it hits you. In the gutt or solar plexus, right between the eyes, straight in the heart or wherever it feels the most.
And you're like: "Goddamn I really love you!"

That's like me and The Ronettes, this past Saturday at 2-isch pm.

In other news: I just had to upgrade my lips.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Misslyckat skämt 1.0

Veckans mest misslyckade skämt.

Kollega 1: Ska du till systemet nu?
Kollega 2: Ja, man får ju inte glömma det viktigaste.
Jag: Och annars kommer man ju inte lyckas med att glömma bort hela helgen sen.

Totalt tystnad.

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever puppy conversation

My co-worker brings her pup to work.
Male co-worker: Did you see the dog?
Me: Yes. Wasn't it cute?!
Male co-worker: Yup. It's totaly sickening...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Before I die...

I want to build a proper tree house.
Like this one:


It should also contain the following:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ur artikeln ( "Den kvällen drogades 25-åringen med en köttpaj som innehöll sömnmedel." Och det var precis när jag läst det som jag bestämde mig för att äta paj till lunch.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One work related ponder and one epiphanie - En jobbrelaterad tanke och en insikt

Pondering: Why my mobile phone only lasts 10 meters away from my office. Kinda takes away the poing of the phone being "mobile".
Epiphanie: That one form of happiness can be being the first one in line to the coffemaschine. Hence sadness can be if you have to spend 10 minutes of your well-earned break being last in line.

Fundering: Varför räcker min bärbara telefon bara max 10 meter ifrån mitt kontor/rum. Det tar liksom udden av hela finessen med att den är bärbar.
Insikt: Att en form av lycka kan vara att komma förs av alla i kön till kaffeautomaten. På samma sätt som olycka kan vara att spendera 10 minuter sist i samma kö.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Being a champion and 127 Hours

On Thursday we became the reigning champions of a local popquiz, which ment that I was wrong when I told O earlier that day that my day just peaked as a reslut of him qouting a twitter frenzy from a couple of years ago. This had to do with someones realisation about the movie "127 hours" - "If you watch 127 hours backwards it's acutally a really hopeful movie about a guy who finds his arm."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bread at the office

- ... Och Lotta vek ner sig.
- Ja, som ett jäkla tunnbröd!

- ... And Lotta bent over.
- Yes, like a bloody bread!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why man will never fly!

"We laugh at lemmings for throwing themselves off cliffs, but I have a suspicion that the lemmings will have the last laugh. 
Because one day a lemming will fly.
Pigeons did it you know - millions of years ago, threw themselves off cliffs. Millions of pigeons over thousand and thousands of years, thudding dead to the ground. 

But then one day a pigeon flapped and didn't hit the ground quite so hard. And the day after that one of them flew - because it followed it's instincts.
Man's suppressed that instinct, which is why man will never fly..."
Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lays of Ancient Rome - Thomas Babbington Macaulay

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods..."

-"Horatius," stanza XXVII in Lays of Ancient Rome, by Thomas Babbington Macaulay

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Recommended Gallary

I just have to share what a great gallary I just found.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How to survive February (and not)

The Rabit just a couple of minutes before Glenn Close's character got a hold of the little bugger.

And speaking of survival here's how to survive February.  
BTW I might have a couple of spotify accounts to give away if there's any takers.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Get off my back!

Yellow dots marks were it hurts. The other stuff is just latin.

Hence one of my prioreties are to dance. Which is a hell of a lot better than concentrating on being neat and orderly.
Health befor all!

Pretty little thing!

You can never go wrong with a Lace Vase...

Just make sure you've got great shoes, water and plenty of time with you.

If you ain't got much of either, make do with what you've got.