Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Words from MySpace - Stutter-points

At my department we've got this guy in economics who from time to time lecture about the budget (at meetings). Fair enough... and he's quite funny otherwise, it's just that when he speaks in public he gets extremely boring. Getting boring and economy is NOT a good combination.
Anyway... yesterday I decided to avoid slipping of into my own fantasy world or just plainly falling asleep by counting all the times he stuttered and over the 20 or so minutes he talked he managed to accomplish an amazing 178 stutter-points!

I kind of got a guilty coincience about it.. but I did have a good intent and managed to amuse myself some and most importantly: I've never listened so attentively to him before.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Words from MySpace - Brian-time


Just nu lyssnar :
Av Annie Lennox

Monday, February 26, 2007

Words from MySpace - Sharks & Princes

A Korthaj/Cardshark is someone who's really niffty playing card. Like like Paul Newman in "The Hustler" but with a deck of cards instead of a cew.

It must be "We all stand together" with Paul MaCartney, that I found myself humming.


If I had a point I guess I made it.

Be glorious!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Words from MySpace - The Invisable

O Sisters & Brothers, that is Sorrow!
It comes like dark waters through the chinks, whisteling low-voiced, just like winterwinds through a broken window.
It huddles on the backseats of the bus and it strikes you like a nasty odour when you lift the toilet-seat, ready to throw up.
It chuckles your throat and makes your hands cold as ice, your tongue gets swollen, unable to move, and you can not speak.
It holds a knife against your skin, but you do not bleed.
It throws its rocks at you, but you do not fall.
You're walking up straight - head held high but deep inside you're crumbeling helplesly.

That is Sorrow, O Sweet Sisters & Brothers!

I was 17 when I first read that poem and I thought it somehow was important and ment something.
But is a poem ever important?
You've gotta have perspecitve on things and honestly my dog at the time (Wanda) was a hell of a lot more important than that poem. However... the poem probably ment more to me than half the kids in junior high.
And then there's someone like Ghandhi or Hitler who in some distant way probably effected my life more than even my dog.

Confession: At times... after reading those pretty lousy first lines, the last two still manage to grab me. I do not know why.

Just nu läser :
The Invisible
Av Mats Wahl

Monday, February 19, 2007

Words from MySpace - The Joker

Most of the time I worry more about other people loosing me than I, myself if I'd ever go lost.

And that's what my daily battle is all about - the pressure about making it through without too much hassel, and then I'll be here for everyone tomorrow again.

Still, for as long as I can remember I always had these thoughts about escaping.

Having gone through all those thoughts over and over again I'm not naive enough to think that view on life is valid base for contentment, which is all I want.. (Happiness is 4 fucking amateurs).
The only one I actually want responsibility for is me, and I'd very much like to take pride in honouring that.

Today, as I was walking home from my parents I thought that one of the more difficult things about being a grown-up is to learn your limitations, know when to ask for help, lower your guard and let someone else fight your battles for you.
Still I struggle with the notion that no one actually would do that for me.
Or... that I might be a Don Quixote (a fool).

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Words from MySpace - Things to do in Denver when you're dead

I saw Laila K on the bus looking kinda well.
Good for her!


Yesterday I managed to hold my arm at the pool table.
Nina bought too much beer due to temporary insanity (or permanent... I don't know). But then I got a hold of myself - went home and watched "Chelsea headhunters". Which leads me onto the subject of Donal MacIntyre. There's not many heroes of that caliber around. More here.
I wonder wether to feel inspired or useless?


Penis-game contributions:

Penises To Do In Denver When You're Dead
(or Things To Do In Denver When You're A Penis)

My Big, Fat Greek Penis


Just nu lyssnar :
Black Holes and Revelations
Av Muse

Friday, February 9, 2007

Words from MySpace - Brothers & Disturbance

Anna-Nicole died and I thought about honouring her memory by taking the daily happy-pills with some wine...

And I cried when the Swedish biathlon-team won.
Apparently there's something about Sweden winning biathlon
that makes me so much more emotional then when Anna-Nicole dies.
(I further confess that this wasn't the first time I've been caught crying when it comes to biathlon, the first time was when we took a freaking brons-medal in an olympic game som years ago. I just can't help myself.)
And I wonder if that's a sign of health or severe emotional disturbance?

(It might be something in the heritige cause I spoke to my granny on the phone today and she'd been sobbing too - just as my mother still does when they show re-runs of Bernt Johansson winning olympic gold in cycling, 1976!)

Another question/thought:

Brothers Zach Thorpe and Ian Braff


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Words from MySpace - (Mastodontfilms) Mats

So it's a regular Wednesday and I'm on the subway on my way from work when this man I know comes and sits down next to me, by accident.
I say "Hi" and he replies "Hi".
I get a bit supriced that he doesn't answer more eunthustiastic cause I know this guy and his wife from work and a couple of years ago. I've bumped into him before and usualy we greet eachother more than this. I get a bit confused and blunty ask "Don't you recognize me?"
"No. We don't know eachother."
"But aren't you Mats?"
"No I'm not."
Somehow I still doubt him, Mats always used to be a kidder, but still... I decide to take his word for it, that he actually knows who he is.
"You look just like an old collegue of mine"
"Oh no, there's another one?"
And then we laugh.
The guy opposite reflects on us not knowing eachother, that the moment is a bit embarrasing.
I reply: "Well, we know eachother now."
And when the guy who looks like Mats stands up for his stop, he tells me to give his best to Mats.


It's -12 Celsius, aka bloody freakin' cold.
Quadra Pop rocks!
And I wouldn't say "no" to some candy.


Just nu tittar :
Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Words from MySpace - YO!

Standing by the bar I felt kinda bored, waiting for the bartender to notice me. There was this big-shoulderd man in a suit standing right next to me, his back facing me.
I took up my lipstick probably thinking "I'll refresh myself". However holding it in my hand I somehow decided that painting the guys back with a "Yo!" was a better idea.
So I did, and managed to do so without him (or anyone else) notecing.

As you can see in the picture I even succeded in refilling the letters for them to really show. Just to make it perfect.

Thinking about it today, I feel a bit embaresed, I'm really sorry for causing the guy a huge dry-cleaning bill and there really isn't any good excuse, other than that it was all in the name of some kind of fun.
I'd like to thank the heavens above for not getting caught and thereby getting punched or something. Yepp, I know, things could have gone terribly wrong.

But isn't it a lovely colour?

Friday, February 2, 2007

Words from MySpace - Era's not Eros


I ment to write a very candid blog about sex, as that's what's been on my mind these last couple of days. You see I'm reading this book about porn - not in a juicy way but it's an objective look into the industri, our views about it. The authour actually succeeds in not taking sides. Leaving me alone with all my values, questions and thoughts.
It's a scary place to be. *somewhat ironic*

Oh well, instead of writing about sex I've decided to write a little something about eras.
I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich and just gave my toast era a brief thought. And then kinda laughed at myself for deviding my life into the stupidest eras.
Other than the Toast-era I'd like t mention the...

... Orca/Killer whale era (17 years ago) I was consumed by killer whales and thought they where the coolest thing ever, later I've come to my senses and realized that squids by far is the coolest animal ever invented, however I wouldn't say I'm in a squid-era... yet!

... Black poetry era (10 years ago)... not my brightest moment perhaps. Lasted too long.

... "Igby goes down" era. I think I watched that movie almost every day two summers ago.

... Second world war era. (15 years ago) I just found it extremly interesting and even went on to write essays about it in my free/spare time.. just because I wanted to know and learn more.

... The-making-real-chocolate-from-cream,-milk,-cacao-and-lots-of-suger-at-Helenas-place-after-school-era (we were 17). One of my greater eras actually. : )

Wiki explains:

Era is a word used in English since 1615, derived from Late Latin aera "an era or epoch from which time is reckoned," probably identical to Latin æra "counters used for calculation," plural of æs "brass, money".
Like epoch, "era" in English it originally meant "the starting point of an age;" the meaning "system of chronological notation" is c.1646; that of "historical period" is 1741.
chronology, an era is the highest level for the organization of the measurement of time. A calendar era span of many years which are numbered beginning at a specific epoch, which often marks the origin of a state or cosmology, the birth of a leader, or another significant historical or mythological event; it can be called after either accordingly.


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Bad Santa