Thursday, November 30, 2006

Words From MySpace - Doggy Style

Today Roxette celebrates 20 years as a band. I guess they are the only two celebrating.

Now, about that wooden dog (see previous blog)... Apparently some artist from a small Swedish city decided to decorate the roads by adding this piece of wooden dog and people enjoyed the sight of it so much that it became a trend, hence people are keeping themselves busy in their small cottages making more wooden dogs of their own - placing them everywhere.
I guess this is a sign of hope both for humankind and wooden dogs all over the world!

(If you know swedish you can read more about them here)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Words From MySpace - Somebody just pooped me

Somebody just pooped me

And so I went to Budapest to find out what life was like there. On my part it seemed pretty bizarre. Swirrling 36 C pools, retired NASA-men preforming in drag, some really lovely americans who told us that they had friends who believed that dinasours and humans excisted at the same time, some 3000 years ago.

I really enjoyed Budapest. Still, my cousin asked me: "How was Budapest compered to Prague? 'Cause we want to go somewhere, preferably with lots of christmas-feeling".
I adviced her to go to Prague, simply cause it's cozier. (smaller and perhaps less bizarre, as if christmas in itself isn't bizarre.)

Today was a crappy day, that's the price you pay for having fun. Which reminds me of these 3 ultimate truths about life I concluded some years ago.
Now, I won't go into them, all I can say is that I only could think of 3.
However I managed to bump into an old friend I haven't seen in quite some time, we had a quick coffee and then I went bowling.
I also saw this wooden dog wich made me go "???"

I'll correct any misspellings tomorrow, meanwhile you have to do with my ilitresy, illitrecie, illitracy... whatevah!

Just nu läser :
Groucho and Me
Av Groucho Marx

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Benrik diaries - Various

My boss called this morning asking whether I was on my way or not.
I was on my way.
He's older than me and I'm full of respect.

This is the first tasking I've done in quite some time. Although I must confess I didn't even know I was tasking.
I haven't been into benrik for quite some time. I've been pre-occupied.
"Were you occupied before you were occupied?" as George Carlin would have wondered.
Is drinking coffee an occupation?

Although I'm trying to prepare myself for this market I'm participating in, in a couple of weeks time. That'll be fun.
And on Thursday I'm off for Budapest.
Anyone been there?
I'm thankful for tips on cool places to visit while there.

In other news I hear they've found another gun that might be the gun that killed Olof Palme (killed in 1986 and Sweden’s answer to the assassination of JFK).
Comment: The world is a very big place for things to go missing in.
I know cause I feel quite the same way about things in my own apartment and in some ways, sometimes, about myself.

Be good.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Words From MySpace - What Kind Of People Are You People

So I click the "download files"-button and enter whatever people want to share with us other people. Download-wise.
I'm amazed.
So far I've entered 2 jocks who had plenty of street-fighting stuff, with movies with filenames such as "a guy beating up a nigger ... cool".
There's the regular porn stuff (everywhere).
One of the guys also had several recepeies for making bombs, as did that other left-wing person whose files I looked through. That person also had lots of documents on communism, police-codes and movies on demonstrating and clips of riots.
Now, who are these people?

To my amusement I've got this Louis Theroux movie when he explores the pornographic world. It's called "Louis Theroux porn" (and lies between my L T hypnosis and L T UFO-file). Much downloaded I must add, especially during the smaller hours of the day.

Perhaps I should rename a couple of other files. Like renaming the short theme to Lovebears that I've got to "girl takes it up the ass by two guys who end up fighting over her - esculating in a Molotov-cocktail being thrown, lovely!"

That's how to go about getting real popular on the internet.

P.S. I
One of the funnier things I found was when I downloaded the L T-movie on hypnosis. That guy had P L E N T Y of things on hypnosis - how to manipulate peoples minds - and what-females-look-for-in-men-kind-of-stuff.

I belive there's a band called "We're only in it for the money" and here's my question: Did they come up with that namn before or after signing a reord-deal?
Or is it a more methaphoric statement about life in general?

Just nu tittar :
Eddie Izzard - Definite Article

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Words From MySpace - Sunnyside on Lush

Just got back to work after a small shopping streak to Lush. I bought this very strange looking bath-foam covered in gold-glitter and named "Sunnyside".

<--------- Sunnyside

It smells of orange and I think it's gonna improve my life at some point.

p.s. I'm still reading the Marilyn Manson-book... He had a very strange life growing up. Stranger than anyone I ever read about before. Yet, still he kinda went - "My life is so fucking normal and boring, it sucks!"

Just nu lyssnar :
Av Hellsongs

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Words From MySpace - BoyToy

"I'm a Godmother. That's a great thing to be. He calls me God for short. I thought him that!"

Yesterday my Godson turned 8, or is it 9?
I'm not quite sure. But I know he was really happy about some toycar he got.

Boys and toys you know...

On my way to the doctors, I really hope things are well with me.

Just nu läser :
The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
Av Marilyn Manson