Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Norrlanders & 2008

It's a myth that Norrlanders are quiet people, in fact they both talk and scream. Everyone except Isa and Jenny, but Isa is shy besides liking pearls and disco-lights. Jenny is from america and doesn't speak any swedish.

Other major differences is that:

- People actually go to the mall to watch the people from Idol perform
- They just care about the most basic rules of driving
- It's warmer than in Stockholm
- People don't hug when they meet friends and family

As this year's about to come to an end I thought I'd wrap up the best parts of 2008, on a bigger level.

On a personal level 2008 was a good year for me. Containing lots of personal trials and tribulations, as well as clarity and changes for the better. Resigning, getting my ass back to school, and - although everyone speaks of the economical crisis, I'm full of optimism.

And on that note and from the bottom of my heart I wish everyone a great 2009

Friday, December 26, 2008

"I toss and turn on nails..."

That's a line from a Kent song.
That's also how I felt about tonights family dinner...

Other than that Christmas has been fine. Dinner and stuff with my parents and then on the evening I met up with some friends and got completly wasted, as promised and in shame. The next morning I woke up and found bits and pieces of a glass on the floor in my kitchen and the contence of my bag everywhere. I can't remember how I got home.

The day after I watched actors studio with John Cusack.
John ventuerd into the subject of Jung and the shadow-self. Very interesting indeed.
His point was that we humans try all kinds of tricks to hide our most inner self, but as an actor you have to work against that and learn how to feed off your fear from exposing your feelings too much. That's how you get good. And if you're bad it's only becasue of your natural instinct to protect yourself.

I feel this has an important meaning to me,
but the specifics are as of yet un-clear.
In a haze I'm leaving Stockholm

let the red-lights guide me:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The battle of orminge resulted in...

Blood and other kinds of distruction!

In all honesty... Yes I have long nails. Yes it's a mess and hurts like hell when they break.

Usually I hold myself back, because of the common view that it's such a girly and whiney thing to do. It's not! And this is why:

When you've had long nails for an extended period of time the nerves that lie hidden behind the nail (which is one of the reasons why you we have nails in the first place) grow further and further. the opposite is when people bite or cut their nails so much that in the end they've got no nails left at all. It takes practise and eventualy the never withdraw. We all know the pain of cutting our nails too short. why then is it such a fuzz when women break their nails? It hurts just as much, no even more because your nails get ripped and we bleed. If that didn't hurt like hell why then would denailing be a well-known metod of torture?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jordbävning i Skåne!

...Skåne drabas av jordbävning, och se vilka roliga mail man fick! :)


Jordbävning i Skåne!

I USA skördar orkaner massor med människoliv och lämnar tusentals utan hem...
I Mellanöstern så råkar de ibland ut för s.k. "mud slides", när marken plötsligt börjar glida och drar med sig allt i sin väg.
Sydamerika har haft otaliga översvämningar detta år och 100 tals människor har fått sätta livet till..
Men vi ska inte tro att vi sitter skyddade från dessa fruktansvärda naturkrafter bara för att vi bor häruppe i Norden.
Den bifogade bilden är tagen i Skåne idag tisdag och visar att vi inte ska ta saker och ting för självklara i livet, utan katastrofer skapade av Moder Jord kan komma när och var som helst...



Tisdagen den 16 december slog katastrofen till med full kraft i Skåne. Med epicentrum utanför Bo Olsson i Tomelilla skakade en kraftig jordbävning med magnituden 4.7 på Richterskalan hela Skåne. Tusentals skåningar väcktes ur den nattsömn de så väl behöver. Många var hungriga efter att inte ha ätit på hela natten.

Din hjälp behövs omedelbart.
Skåningen är en mycket känslig individ, särskilt nu inför julen. Många skåningar kommer lida oerhört om de inte får luad ål, gröt och kalkon med sviskon till jul. Läkare har redan sett naveldjupet minska hos vissa skåningar i särskilt utsatta områden.

Skänk 1500 kronor till konto bifogat nedan. Denna blygsamma summa kan ge tre skåningar en trygg tillvaro under julen som de så väl behöver. Se exempel nedan.
1500 kronor ger tre skåningar:

snaps till julbordet
extra grädde i ris á la Maltan
extra fet ful-fiskad ål
specialimporterade äpplen till äpplekagan
filtar till soffan, för eftermiddagsluren

Öppna ditt hjärta, och plånboken, och börja skänk NU!



Is Obama messiah?

Today i found this add in the newspaper, it's about a concert to celebrate Obama and change.

Isn't it the wierdest thing? The guy hasn't even begun his time in office...

Questions: Why do we in Sweden arrange a concert for Obama when the thought of having one for any of our own politicians is just plain bizarre?

Warning: Beware of cults of personality!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Music Maestro!

I escaped my studies for a couple of minutes to take this personality test. It's about what my taste in music says about me.
You could do it too... ; )

My Music Personality

Monday, December 15, 2008

A new way to code your secret messages

I've started reading the amazing code book once again and yesterday I came up with my own secret code. Use translator engines online for the secrets you want to share.

Illustration with this key; Swedish to Frensh to English and back to Swedish again. That ought to do it.

Secret in Swedish: Fransmännen är rädda för att deras språk ska dö ut, men det är ingen ko på isen.

encoded to Frensh: Les Français ont peur que leur langue va mourir, mais il n'y a pas de vache sur la glace.

encoded to English: The French are afraid that their language will die, but there was no cow on ice.

encoded back to Swedish: Den franska är rädda för att deras språk kommer att dö, men det fanns ingen ko på isen.

Conclusion: I am not going to get the Nobelprice for this one either!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When Meeting New People...

What's the first thing you ask, when meeting new people?

Although completly useless, I want to know their name - only to forget it 30 minutes later:
- I'm sorry but I've got altzheimers light, what was your name again?

I'm not the slightest interested in peoples occupation/work. It doesn't say anything about a person. Just look at the people you're working with. Are you just like them?

My first question usually is

(if I'm at a private party)
- So, who do you know here?

(if there's someone I don't know)
- Who's up for some breakfast!?
[That was me attempting to joke]

- So what book are you reading at the moment?

Let me illustrate with a story from real life

Me: So, what do you do? No! Let me re-phrase, I'm not the slightest interested in what you do. What book are you reading?
He: Nothing, I don't read books.
Me: Oh... [silence]
Me: So where do you work?

Needless to say we didn't have many common grounds. But due to the book question we found out early on. And I'm greatful. Otherwise I might still be there listening to some endless chant about his work.

Peoples reading habits and what they read tells a whole lot about what kind of person you're dealing with.

Just think about when you visit peoples homes and look at their books, or lack thereof. What subjects, culture and people are the books about?

There's also always some history behind why a person keeps a book. Perhaps it's a lawbook since the person went to law-school. Or a book about Feng Shui which was a present to the owner from his/her aunt.

If you never ask, how will you ever learn if people have aunts or not?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ideas for your Christmas Cards

I'm not the most reliable sender of christmas Cards. But this year is different and I'm an inspired sendern.
Yesterday I realized that you actually can make postcards from regular cleaning cloths.
Like this:
  • Pencils for drawing on fabric
  • A couple of cloths
  • A few ideas on what to draw/write
  • A steady hand and a set mind
Decorate the front and then write the address and message on the back of the cloth.
Staple the stamp and they're good to go.

With this Christmas Card your friends and loved
ones will think of you everytime they wash up!

I also put up my christmas tree, which (as you
can see) matches
my Pink Panther just perfectly

Splendour In The Grass

I started colleting poems when I was 11. Instead of attending gym-class, and I thought it was time well spent.
Today I found another one for my collection.
What though the radiance
which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,

Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;

William Wordsworth

Friday, December 5, 2008


Before I die I also want:
  • To become a grandmother
  • Have a cool Vespa
  • Have a dog
  • Plant a tree
Things I've already done on my to-do-list:
  • Skydived
  • Wrote a book
  • Stood up for someone who couldn't stand up for themselves
  • Performed on stage

Before I die...

I thought I'd collect my thoughts on things I want to do befor I die.

  • I want to build a tree-house
  • I want to taste stuffed Turkey

To be continued...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What is Friendship?

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.

Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.

Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:

  • the tendency to desire what is best for the other,
  • sympathy and empathy,
  • honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
  • mutual understanding.
Source: Wikipedia

Im tipsy...

This means it's x-mas

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Go Gay!

New evidence has been found proving heterosexuality to be a choice and NOT something we inherit.

This means that all the assholes and all the stupid tramps you choose to run after are by own choice!

The good news is that at
this place you can re-decide and go gay instead.
And while on the subject of change, at
this other place you can change your star sign and on this third page you can change your age to your right one.

Good luck with yours and the entire worlds development.

Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS-day

Today I'm going to suggest two movies.
One is very provocative and the other is the story about Hiv-AIDS.
Both made me cry.

Learn more:
And the band played on